
SCIENCE LABORATORIES: There are laboratories such as the Science laboratories,Home economics to cater for students practical experience in various science subjects.  ARTS STUDIO: The school also has an Art studio for the teaching and practice of art .  COMPUTER / ICT LABORATORY: An ICT centre to enhance student knowledge in this technology and digital era .  STUDY LIBRARY: Library well stocked with books that can enhance students learning and research .  HOSTELS / BOARDING FACILITIES:  Our boarding facilities is adequate,well built with floor tiles,toilets and with a good water system ,also with adequate and balanced diet for the students feeding .  BOARDING STUDENTS :There are no day student,all students are boarders,they live in the school dormitory .  HEALTH CLINIC: The school has a clinic to cater for student health issues .  GOOD SECURITY: There is security for lives and property,the school is well fenced and also have experienced security guards both day and night.  CLASSROOMS : A conducive classroom for learning,well structured,ventilated and built in a serene atmosphere for learning .  COMFORTABLE PLAYGROUND: The school has a palatable playground for their leisure time .  SPORTS FACILITIES: The school has sport facilities both indoor and outdoor games such as Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, Football pitch, Volleyball court, Badminton court,Basketball and Handball

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